Image Requirements

  • Image Clarity: Ensure that the image is clear and not pixelated or blurry.
  • File Format: Accepted formats include JPG, PNG, and TIFF.
  • File Size: Up to 200MB file size. Contact us if your file size is to big and cant compress it.
  • Color and Lighting: Natural lighting works best. Avoid overly dark or heavily filtered images.

Composition Tips

  • Subject Focus: Capture the subject (your child or loved one) prominently in the frame.
  • Action Shots: Try to capture dynamic moments showcasing their active involvement in the sport.
  • Expression: Aim to capture genuine emotions and expressions that reflect their passion for the sport.

How to Submit Your Image

  • Visit our product page and follow the instructions for uploading your image.
  • Ensure the file meets the specified requirements mentioned above.
  • Double-check the uploaded image to confirm its quality before finalising your order.

Additional Tips

  • Take multiple shots from different angles to provide us with options.
  • If possible, avoid heavily zoomed or heavily cropped images as they might affect the overall quality of the final artwork.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.

We look forward to creating a stunning custom art portrait for you!